Service to others is central to our faith tradition and congregational life. Members of the Grace community follow the Greatest Commandment to love our neighbors in a variety of ways. We invite you to consider how your gifts might be used to join God's work in the world.
Two stores in nearby Bluffton, Ohio, sell used items to support the ministry of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC).
You can support these shops with your donations or by volunteering your time.
Contact Chrissy Lugibihl
for more information.
Each month we donate food and supplies to local ministries that help those in need. We support Ottawa Food Pantry, The Samartian House, and Pandora Food Box Ministry.
Contact Joyce Schumacher if you would like to help.
The church has a large community garden adjacent to our church building. Reserve your garden plot and enjoy fresh produce throughout the summer.
Contact Marcia Lugibihl
for more information.
Based on the Biblical principle of going into the fields after the harvest to collect that which was left behind for the poor, many of the farmers of our congregation open their fields once a week over the summer for members of the congregation to gather the remaining food, which is donated to local soup kitchens and food banks.

We support the relief work of Mennonite Central Committee by creating comforters to send around the world. We gather three times a year to knot the comforters together.
Grace invites members and those who attend regularly to participate in our annual sharing ourselves ritual where we use a survey to identify areas we are open to serving both the congregation and our community. We have ministry coordinators in the following areas: Education, Worship, Facilities, Finance, Community Connections, and Mission, Peace and Service.
For more information on how to get involved,
email office@gracepandora.org or ask Pastor Matthew.