Grace offers a variety of class options including study of the scriptures, discussion on contemporary faith issues as well as informal times of sharing. You're invited to join a class at any time.
Charismos meets in the Parlor. This class is tentatively planning to discuss current issues the class members are confronting (parenting, marriage, health issues, etc.) using a variety of resources in an informal setting.
Today's Disciples
Today’s Disciples meets in the lower level of the Education Wing (east end). This group of adults takes seriously Jesus’ call to discipleship as they study the Bible and fellowship together.
Faithful Followers
Faithful Followers meets on the upper level of the Education Wing (near the mailboxes). This class will be studying "People of the Bible." Each week will focus on a different person in the Bible, looking at various scriptures about that person with a discussion guide led by members of the class.
Shalom is another adult class that meets in the lower level of the Education Wing (corner classroom). They study a variety of materials including various Christian books, Bible Studies and are currently studying the book, “Scripture and the Authority of God: How to Read the Bible Today” by N. T. Wright with the discussion being led by various class members. The class takes time each Sunday to share joys and concerns from what is happening in their lives.